Who doesn't know who Doraemon is ? Doraemon is a popular and long-running manga about a robotic cat who come from the future to help Nobi Nobita. Doraemon manga was created by the duo Fujiko Fujio. Fujiko Fujio is a pen name for Hiroshi Fujimoto ( Fujiko F. Fujio ) and Abiko Moto ( Fujiko Fujio A ). Doraemon was started in December 1969 by Fujimoto, and since then Doraemon has appeared in lots of mangas, magazines, and animation. Fujimoto is one of my favorite manga artists. Went to the grave today to pay my respects to Hiroshi Fujimoto.

Fujimoto was buried in Midorigaoka. From Tsudayama station, you need to walk an hour to reach his grave because the graveyard is really huge.

The graveyard map. His grave is in block 103 section 7. Quite far, isn't it ?

Don't worry too much about getting lost. There are lots of signs there.

Graves are everywhere.

Fujimoto died in September 23rd, 1996 due to the liver failure. Because of that, there is no official ending for Doraemon. Any endings were actually fan fiction.

Halfway there !

One of the most famous fan fiction endings was made by Nobuo Sato. In this ending, Doraemon's battery power ran out. Nobita was given a choice between replacing the battery inside Doraemon, which would cause a memory reset, or waiting for a brilliant robotics technician who is able to resurrect Doraemon one day. Nobita swore that very day to do his best at school and become a robotics technician. In the future, he successfully resurrected Doraemon and thus lived happily ever after.

Snapped this cat on my way there.

Almost there.

Finally !

This is the grave of Fujiko F. Fujio.

There are a small Doraemon's stone and Doraemon's vases right beside the grave.

Thank you, Hiroshi Fujimoto for giving us Doraemon.
that's very nice of you visiting his grave. am a big fan of Doraemon too! :)
@CLF : always a big fan of Doraemon. :)
Thank you very much! I always love Doraemon, and your article really help. I intend to visit Tokyo again early next year. I will absolutely visit his grave as well as his museum. This time I put it in my top priority list. Thank you very much!!
Glad I could help. :)
I like doraemond
Thannk you for sharing
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