To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Port of Yokohama, the city sponsors the "Set Sail!" event. Lots of event were held in a lot of places in Yokohama focusing on the history and attractions of the city.

My ticket. With this ticket, you could enter a lot of places for free. Some of the places only charged you 50%. I bought this ticket only for 1000 Yen from my friends. ^^

The first place that I visited was the Nippon Maru. You could also go inside the ship if you want.

Spotted a couple of lovey dovey birds.

Next was NISSAN Y150 Dream Front & Super Hi-Vision Theater (Shinko Pier). Inside there was the Super Hi-Vision Theater where you could watch a short movie about the world. Although the movie wasn't really interesting, the visual was amazing.

They showed an interesting concept of a car using electricity for its power. Around the town, there will be a parking place where you could recharge your car. I found it hard to believe though when they said that they would make it happen next year.

Yokohama is not complete without its mascot, Tanemaru.

The hard working staff were patrolling all around the place.

Hajimari no mori (Forest of beginning) was our main destination.

The famous Yokohama's spider. I always wanted to see this before. Awesome machine. Unfortunately, they didn't have the show when I was there so I couldn't see it moving.

It looked a bit ugly though.

If you want, you could ask the staff to take a photo of you in front of the spider.

Close to the spider was the Yokohama Monogatari (Yokohama's tale).

You could see the history of Yokohoma when the port first opened to the world.

Tanemaru and the evil counter-part. Couldn't remember the name of the evil one.

Eneos's mascot ?

We were a bit tired after a long walk so we decided to rest for a while...

while eating some yummy mango cookies that my friend brought from Singapore.

Found an abandoned Vista & FMV balloon. A good object to satisfy our hunger for photography.

We were confused where to go for the next destination.

We finally decided to visit the famous Akarenga (Red Brick). The Red Brick Warehouse is a famous tourist spot in Yokohama. Designed by Yorinaka Tsumaki, the architecture of the building was indeed beautiful.

Some people couldn't resist posing in front of it.

This ends the photoshoot. I will be taking holiday for two weeks. I will update the website after I get back from holiday. Happy Tuesday !
where will u be going for holiday? ^^
How come I've never seen those mango cookies! o_O
I went to US and Canada for holiday ^^
That yummy mango cookie was a present from my friend. :)
OMG your pictures look awesome!!!
What camera are you using? Oh man, I wish I had your photography talent!
@ahbonk : Thank you. I use Canon EOS 40D. My main lens is 50mm f1.4.
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