Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pizza Hut Party

House Warming
A few weeks ago, two of my friends moved to the new apartment. It's been our excuse tradition to do a house warming party whenever someone moving in to new residence. What's better than Pizza to celebrate it ?

House Warming

House Warming
Oh yeah! We ordered these much. Each box has different taste.

House Warming
Pizza Hut !

House Warming

House Warming
We wrote our name on each cups so we didn't make any mistake doing indirect kisses on each other. ^^

House Warming
Friend of mine just came back from Saipan bringing back this delicious cookie, Mauna Loa.

House Warming
Danbo couldn't wait to have some.

House Warming

House Warming
Look at those meats. Yum Yum...

House Warming

House Warming

House Warming

House Warming

Futago Tamagawa 2010
After the house warming party, we went to Futago Tamagawa to watch some fireworks.

Futago Tamagawa 2010
Great fireworks, great party !

Click here to see last year fireworks' photos.


chun said...

Mmmm how many pizzas was ordered? Looks delicious ^O^

Teddy said...

@chun : 8 pizzas, 4 pastas. yummy !

Michael Flux said...

Mmmmm, those pizzas look wonderful :p I want!

Teddy said...

@Michael Flux: Those pizzas were delicious ! I wonder if my friends will move again soon so we can have another party...

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  All photos copyright © 2009 Teddy Herryanto