Saturday, October 16, 2010

Eka + Fanny

Eka & Fanny
Meet Eka and Fanny, the cute couple who just got married... last week ! That's right. Last week !!

Eka is one of my good friends since I was in university. We studied, played games, giggled, laughed, and doing fun stuffs together. When I heard about his wedding, I was sad that I couldn't attend his wedding in Jakarta.

I wished I could go...

However, instead of me coming to their wedding, they both decided to hop on a plane, fly here to Tokyo, and ask me to document their sweet escape in Tokyo. How could I say 'no' to them ?

These past few days, we walked around Tokyo from Shinjuku to Asakusa... from Odaiba to Disneyland, laughed together, shared stories, and took lots of memorable photos.

Eka & Fanny

Eka & Fanny

Eka & Fanny

Eka & Fanny
Such an adorable couple.


Practicing my loved shape bokeh. Started to get used to it.

Tokyo Disneyland
Tokyo Disneyland, a must-visit place when you first came to Japan. Disney is my number one suggestion to couples. =)

Eka & Fanny

Deadly Night Shade

Eka & Fanny


Tokyo Disneyland Food

Eka & Fanny

Eka & Fanny

Sensoji Temple

Melon Pan


Eka & Fanny

Eka & Fanny
Thank you Eka and Fanny for giving me the chance to photograph you two. I hope you love these photos as much as I love them. And congratulation to both of you ! :)


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  All photos copyright © 2009 Teddy Herryanto