Miso Soup is a traditional Japanese soup based on dashi. Miso soup is rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is also believed that miso soup helps prevent breast cancer because Miso Soup is rich in isoflavones, which are believed to help block out cells that can become cancerous. Sounds delicious and nutritious ? Let me show you how to make one.

First, fill a stock pot with water 1/2 full, and bring it to boil.

Prepare a half Daikon ( radish ).

Peel off the skin.

Cut the daikon into small pieces.

Need to warn Danbo not to come closer when we cook.

Throw the Daikon into the pot.

Cut off the bottom of the mushrooms and wash it.

Throw 'em into the pot too.

Mix some dashi into it.

This is the dashi that we used.

Already looks good.

Now add some wakame into it...


And last, add a chunk of miso.

Simmers it for a while. Hmmm... Smells good.

And here it is. The miso soup.

Now you know the recipe. Go forth and make one ! And thanks to Anas for the recipe. =)
_~ I hate mushrooms but have to try this one
@sly : you can replace it with tofu.
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