Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chiba Floral Museum

Chiba Floral Museum
Chiba City is also known as the City of Flowers. The city holds flowers festival and gardening contest every year. There are lots of flower related places around Chiba, one of them is the Chiba Floral Museum ( 花の美術館 ). I visited the museum just before I moved to Tokyo from Chiba.

Chiba Floral Museum
A little bit history about this museum. For the 59 days between August 25th, 1995 and October 22nd, 1995, an event to promote city beautification and the preservation of nature, titled “Green Symphony CHIBA ‘95” was held in Inage and Makuhari. The original structure of the Chiba City Floral Museum was built at this time, as a themed exhibit for the Inage location of the fair. Upon the event’s completion, Chiba City decided to rebuild the museum as a permanent city facility. The building officially reopened to the public as the Chiba City Floral Museum on April 2nd, 1996.

Chiba Floral Museum
Don't have macro lens so this was the best thing I could do.

Chiba Floral Museum
The Chiba City Floral Museum is located in the middle of Inage Kaihin Koen in Mihama Ward.

Below is the address.

〒261-0003 千葉市美浜区高浜7-2-4(稲毛海浜公園内)
7-2-4 Takahama, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi 261-0003

Chiba Floral Museum
Entrance fee is 200 Yen. 100 Yen if you managed to pretend that you're still a junior high school student.

Chiba Floral Museum
There are Restaurant, Atrium/Flower Garden, Shop, Flower College and Classrooms, Light Garden, Computer Corner, Monet Salon, and Tropical Garden on the first floor. On the second floor, there are Tropical Garden, Flower Discovery Gallery, Flower Experience Cafe, Computer Corner, Exhibition Room, Japanese Garden, and a Library.

Chiba Floral Museum
There are over 1000 plant varieties in the museum. There are also Central Garden with a fountain, a Rooftop Garden with potted plants, a Conifer Garden, and a Vegetable Garden.

Chiba Floral Museum

Chiba Floral Museum

Chiba Floral Museum

Chiba Floral Museum
If you enter your birthday in one of the computers, it will give you your birthday flower, a description of your personality, and your fortune. You can also print it on a postcard for 100 yen.

Chiba Floral Museum
Lovely artwork

Chiba Floral Museum
The museum closed every Monday, so don't go there on Monday !

Happy Tuesday everyone !


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  All photos copyright © 2009 Teddy Herryanto