Spring has sprung and in here, Chiba, the Flower Festival was held to celebrate it.

I was having a sanpo (walk) around my neighborhood when I found out about this festival. The festival was held in Chiba Chuo Koen, a small park near Parco.

As the name implied, you could expect that there were flower related stalls in here.

You could learn about gardening stuff in here.

Chihana-chan is the cute mascot of Chiba City. Chiba City's goal is to create a community filled with flowers. She was designed as a fairy of the city flower, the Oga Lotus.

There was also a stage in here where volunteers could sing a couple of songs. I have little knowledge about Japanese songs so I had no idea what song the woman sang. But it was quite good.

Here people could sit and enjoyed the song.

There were some moments of silent while listening to the songs.

After a few songs, it was time for this lovely lady to sing.

Some people started to look at the stage as if there was something very interesting on the stage.

The lovely lady started to sing.

Suddenly the moment of silent was gone, the audiences started cheering, and the park became livelier. ^^

It was a relatively small festival with stage and few stalls, but what's interesting was that they put lots of art made by flowers from the station to the park. It was around 10 minutes from the station to the park so you could imagine how many of this things were there.






Stag Beetle






And there were still a lot more. Go to my Flickr if you want to see a few more.

Before I went home, I took this photo of Chiba Monorail. Never ride it before and would love to try it sometime.
Great photo shoot! Those different animal plants look very unique, and I would also like to ride the Chiba Monorail one day when I visit Japan =O
Also, I enjoy looking at your Japanese photos
Nice to meet you btw ^^;
Welcome Anthony. Glad you like the photos. The thing that always impressed me is how much effort the Japanese people put into making these. Amazing.
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