Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Neighborhood

One of the things that I like to do during weekend is walking around my neighborhood. It has become one of my regularly activity to just spend some quality time walking around in the evening, enjoying fresh air, and taking a couple of photos.

When I used to live in Indonesia, taking a walk was something that I preferred not to do. There were lots of dust and smoke in the air that your face will immediately got covered by it. I hardly could call it a good activity.

In Japan, the air is still clean. There are not many automobiles in the street.

Well, you don't really need them because the transportation system in the Japan is great. You could go to most of the places by using the train or bus. You basically do not need to own a car in Japan.

But it is also true that by having a car, you could reach more interesting places in Japan.

Random Working People
Spotted a hard working man.

The kid spent some time recording the trains. A train otaku, perhaps?

Japanese people do trust people a lot. You could see a lot of people displaying goods outside their shop without any security camera or scary watchdog all around the place. It is good to see that there are still these kind of place in the world.


The thought of buying a bicycle crossed my mind a couple of time before.


End of today's post. Still have hundreds of photos that I have not yet processed in my computer. Will do more post of The Neighborhood photos in the future.


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  All photos copyright © 2009 Teddy Herryanto