Tokyo CGM Night 7 was held last Saturday night at the Akiba:F. Tokyo CGM Night is a monthly event organized by Danny Choo together with Andrew Shuttleworth. It is a great place to network with people in blogging community.

Akiba:F is run by the Japanese Red Cross Society. Their mission statement is to bridge peoples life's and the future together. Danny has a full coverage on Akiba:F here.

Arrived there around 7.45 PM. Some people came earlier than me.

Miracle Mirai T-shirt. Looked nicer than I expected. Too bad it was sold out. T_T

Do you poken ?

Poken is a digital social networking business card. You exchange your information by holding two poken palms together.

Lots of Poken to choose from.

Danny Choo's special edition Pokens: Mirai and Haruka poken. Love the design.

Danny's busy taking care of his daughters.

Danny's Lumix and pancake lens attached.

Steve Nagata setting up the Ustream. He doesn't need to use his eyes to use computer.

Steve setup the Ustream to broadcast the CGM Night to the world. If you saw the broadcast, I was the guy introduced by iMorpheus.

The eye that recorded every movement in CGM Night.

Bakemonogotari. One of my favorite's anime.

Lots of manga available for people who like to read manga while donating their blood.


Danny's daughters. His daughters have better camera than mine !

Someone else's daughter.

Lovely Yui.

CGM Night is really a great way to connect with people you met online.

As always, there was no shortage of famous people here.

Danny's introducing Akiyama-san from Good Smile Company. Without him, there is no Figma and Nendoroid. The one with the GEEK shirt is micky2be.

Can't properly described what happened here. ^^

There were JanKenPon games as usual. The winner could get some cool illustration books, and the Isshouni Sleeping Blue-Ray Discs and DVDs.

5 DVDs and 5 Blue-Ray Discs Isshouni Sleeping to help people who has trouble sleeping alone. No more lonely night.

You need to fight Yuna first before getting those prizes.

Some cosplayers were there as well.



As soon as the cosplayers gathered up, the cameras were suddenly lined up in front of them.

Amano Ai showed up later with her original cosplay. Cute !

Awesome night ! Hope with this post you will get a brief idea what CGM Night is all about.
Check also the Mirai-chan Curry.
did you donate your blood? :P
@adelheid : nope :P
Old memories
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